Fire Fighting


The S-58T carries the largest bucket of any helicopter in the medium class (420 gals vs. 325 for the Bell 212). It can fly faster and outperform the 212 at high density altitudes by a wide margin… sometimes double the load per turn.

The ‘T’ has a larger internal capacity also (34.5 cubic feet). Because of its high clearance, it can land places that aircraft with skids cannot.


2018 Santa Cruz Island Fire CA
  Patterson Fire CA
  Skyline Fire CA
  Ribbon Fire CA
  Mendocino Complex CA
2017 Holcomb Fire CA
  Garza Fire CA
  Detwiler Fire CA
  Rose Fire CA
  Rebel Fire OR
  Indian Creek/Eagle Fire OR
  Honey Fire CA
  Thomas Fire CA
2016 Temecula Fire CA
  Border Fire CA
  Cedar Fire CA
  Bogart Fire CA
2015 Rocky/Jerusalem Fire CA
  Rapid Fire ID
  Valley Fire CA
2014 ODF – Grant Pass OR
  Tomahawk CA
  San Diego Complex CA
  Gun Fire CA
  Cocos Fire CA
2013 ODF – Grant Pass OR
  Summit CA
  Gorgonio CA
  General CA
  Pfeiffer CA
  Hathoway CA
2012 Ward Fire CA
  Ukiah Mendocino CA
  Rush Fire CA
  Fort Complex CA
  Indian CA
  Bear – Sierra Nat CA
  Salt Creek CA
  Caliente CA
  Volcano CA
  Robbers CA
  Sites Complex CA
  Shingle UT
  Oil Creek WY
  Superior AZ
  Julian CA